
Write a Python Program to find the maximum, minimum, mean, median and mode from a list of numbers by using user defined functions. Attach output screenshots also.

Write a Python program to print the following output:

Create a trigger that checks if "value" is greater than 1000 for any new row inserted to "Test" table, then insert a row to Audit table?

Write a trigger to ensure that no employee of age less than 25 can be inserted in the database.

Create a package which contains a procedure to accept a text and to check whether it is palindrome or not.

Create a procedure or function to calculate electricity bill as per the following criteria: For first 100 units: Rs. 5 per unit For 101-150 units: Rs. 7 per unit For 151-300 units: Rs. 7.50 per unit For 301 onward units: Rs. 8 per unit

Write a PL/SQL program to convert a temperature in scale Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa.

Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - Program the implementation of various operations on a linear queue and circular queue represented using linear array

Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - Program to find infix to postfix notation of a+b*c+(d*e)

Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - Program to sort an array of integers in ascending/descending order using a) Merge Sort. b) Insertion Sort

Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - Program to sort an array of integers in ascending/ descending order using Bubble sort Quick sort

Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - program that maintains a linear linked list whose elements are stored in on ascending order and implements the following operations (using separate functions): Insert a new element Delete an existing element Search an element Display all the elements

Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - Program to demonstrate the use of linear and binary search to find a given element in an array

Data Structures and Algorithm Worksheet - Insertion and Deletion operations on array

Write the number of memory cycles required to execute the following 8085 instructions (I) LDA 3000H (II) LXI D, F0F1H

Analyse and Identify the addressing mode in the following instructions: MOV A, B MVI, 05H LHLD, 3000H XCHG CMP B

Create table emp with attributes (eid number,ename varchar2(10),age number,salary number)

Create department table with the following structure. Name Type Deptno Number Deptname Varchar2(10) location Varchar2(10)