
Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - Program the implementation of various operations on a linear queue and circular queue represented using linear array

Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - Program to find infix to postfix notation of a+b*c+(d*e)

Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - Program to sort an array of integers in ascending/descending order using a) Merge Sort. b) Insertion Sort

Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - Program to sort an array of integers in ascending/ descending order using Bubble sort Quick sort

Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - program that maintains a linear linked list whose elements are stored in on ascending order and implements the following operations (using separate functions): Insert a new element Delete an existing element Search an element Display all the elements

Data Structure and Algorithm Worksheet - Program to demonstrate the use of linear and binary search to find a given element in an array

Data Structures and Algorithm Worksheet - Insertion and Deletion operations on array