
Write a Python Program to find the maximum, minimum, mean, median and mode from a list of numbers by using user defined functions. Attach output screenshots also.

Write a Python program to print the following output:

Create a trigger that checks if "value" is greater than 1000 for any new row inserted to "Test" table, then insert a row to Audit table?

Write a trigger to ensure that no employee of age less than 25 can be inserted in the database.

Create a package which contains a procedure to accept a text and to check whether it is palindrome or not.

Create a procedure or function to calculate electricity bill as per the following criteria: For first 100 units: Rs. 5 per unit For 101-150 units: Rs. 7 per unit For 151-300 units: Rs. 7.50 per unit For 301 onward units: Rs. 8 per unit

Write a PL/SQL program to convert a temperature in scale Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa.